Contributor User License Agreement
Contributor License Agreement
Data accepted by the SCTA for contribution is licensed under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
As indicated in the above specified Creative Commons License:
The contributor will remain the copyright holder of their contribution and retain the non-exclusive right to publish their contribution in any media and in any manner that does not conflict with the Creative Commons license specified above.
The contributor is also granting the general public, including the SCTA, the perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free non-exclusive right to make public, distribute, and “remix, transform, or build upon” under the terms of the Creative Commons License specified above.
This means, as a contributor:
You retain full rights to use and display this data forever.
As a contributor, this includes the right to expand the license and make it non-exclusively available: for example, for the commercial use by particular parties.
End users are expected to always attribute the data you contributed to you and to share the data under the same conditions.
You are also granting the public and the SCTA a permanent license to use, display, and build upon this data.
The CC license on material registered/crawled by SCTA cannot be revoked.
- This means, the data once made freely and openly available remains permanently freely and openly available.
The above open license includes permission for others “remix, transform, or build upon”.
This means that, as new layers of work are added to the submitted data, the “editor” may in subsequent versions be reclassified to “general contributor” as new “managing editors” takeover responsibility for the text. Such re-classification will always come with a pointer back to the version of the data in its submitted form in order to make easy comparisons which transparently show how the text has evolved. The SCTA version control system will ensure the contributor’s name will forever be associated with the role indicated in the submitted version and that the raw data of this version will be accessible. The SCTA editorial board will govern this process.
Note that this process of “further development” and transition from one “managing editor” to another is very similar to the way an article written for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy may be passed on from one editor to the next, while the versions and contributions of each editor are rigorously tracked with version control software.
Contributor Signature
Contributor Name _________
Contributor Signature _________
Contributor Date _________