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layout: page title: “Lombard Press Schema 1.0.0 - Diplomatic Transcription Guidelines” date: 2016-07-15 categories: schema —

LombardPress Diplomatic Transcription Guidelines


Document Status: Draft



The goal of the LombardPress Diplomatic Transcription specification is to offer a set of guidelines for the markup of medieval scholastic commentaries and texts that conform as much as possible to existing standards. In the case of diplomatic transcriptions, this means following as closely as possible the EpiDoc specification. In most cases, we aim only to expand the EpiDoc specifications and offer a detailed list of available attributes and attribute values. Where specifications are not stated, the EpiDoc guidelines should be followed. Where EpiDoc does not state a specification, the more general TEI specification should be followed.




The fileDesc contains the full bibliographic description of an electronic file.


  1. fileDesc MUST contain titleStmt.
  2. fileDesc MUST contain editionStmt.
  3. fileDesc MUST contain publicationStmt.



The titleStmt determines the bibliographical information of the encoded file.


  1. titleStmt MUST have a title.
  2. titleStmt MUST have an author.
  3. titleStmt SHOULD have an editor.
  4. titleStmt MAY have responseStmt.


  <title>Dicta super librum De anima</title>
  <author>Simon Magister</author>
    <editor>Michael Stenskjær Christensen</editor>
    <name xml:id="comments-JJ">John Johnson</name>
    <resp>Editorial suggestions</resp>



editionStmt indicates the edition of the document within the context of its source history.


  1. editionStmt MUST contain an edition element.
  2. edition@n MUST be n=X.X.X-dev; usually, when starting a new document it should be listed as n=0.0.0-dev.
  3. edition MUST contain a date element.
  4. The date that is the child of edition MUST include a machine-formatted @when attribute corresponding to the date in the text node.
  5. edition SHOULD NOT contain any other children besides the date.


  <edition n="0.0.0-dev">
    <date when="2016-06-18">June 18, 2016</date>



publicationStmt indicates the authority supporting this edition (usually a sponsoring or funding research group). It should also list the license and availability of the text.


  1. publicationStmt MUST have EITHER authority and availability elements as children OR a general p element.
    • We highly encourage using authority and availability to identify the entity that makes the creation of the current document possible. See examples below.
  2. p MAY contain a ref to provide an external link to the authority-like entity.
  3. authority MAY contain a ref to provide an external link to the authority entity.
  4. availability SHOULD contain @status.
  5. availability SHOULD contain a p describing the license under which the edition is published.


Example 1
  <authority>Scholastic Commentaries and Texts Archive Project</authority>
  <availability status="free">
    <p>Published under a <ref target="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License</ref></p>
Example 2
    <ref target="">
      Representation and Reality: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on the Aristotelian Tradition
  <availability status="free">
    <p>Published under a <ref target="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License</ref></p>
Example 3
    <ref target="http://petrushispanusproject.po">Petrus Hispanus Project</ref></authority>
  <availability status="free">
    <p>Published under a <ref target="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License</ref></p>


sourceDesc should list the witnesses and sources used to construct the edition.



  1. sourceDesc MUST contain either a listWit or listBibl, but NOT both.
  2. listWit MUST contain only one wit.
  3. listBibl MUST contain only one bibl.
  4. witness MUST have a @xml:id.
  5. witness SHOULD have a n giving a short id of the witness.
    • The value of @n SHOULD correspond to the short id for the manuscript or codex in the SCTA database. If the value is not known, leave it out. It will be added later during processing.
  6. For adding handDesc, follow TEI guidelines.


Example 1
  <witness xml:id="P" n="bnf15705">Paris, Lat 15705</witness>

Example 2

  <bibl xml:id="Q" n="quaracchi1924">Quaracchi 1924 Edition</bibl>

Example 3

  <witness xml:id="P" n="bnf15705">Paris, Lat 15705
        <handDesc hands="2">
          <handNote sameAs='#P'>This is the main hand of the text. German hand of the XIIIc with an inclination toward particularly complex majuscules.</handNote>
          <handNote xml:id="#P1">Flemish hand of the XVc written in mauve ink. Used for minor corrections.</handNote>



encodingDesc provides details about the encoding methods used in the text and the schema followed. In a diplomatic edition the encodingDesc only serves to declare which schema the edition should be validated against.


  1. encodingDesc MUST be stated.
  2. encodingDesc MAY NOT contain variantEncoding.
  3. encodingDesc MUST contain a schemaRef.
  4. schemaRef MUST contain a @url that points to the URL of the LBP schema.
  5. schemaRef MUST contain an @n pointing to the version number of the LBP schema.
  6. encodingDesc MAY take an editorialDecl that contains a p with a prose description of the guidelines followed in the preparation of this edition.


    <p>Encoding of this text has followed the recommendations of the LombardPress 1.0.0 guidelines for a diplomatic edition</p>



The revisionDesc contains a description of the current and previous versions of the current edition. The individual editor would usually not be responsible for maintaining the revisionDesc, as it should (ideally) be generated as part of the publication workflow.


  1. revisionDesc MUST be stated.
  2. revisionDesc MUST contain @status.
  3. revisionDesc MUST contain listChange.
  4. listChange MUST contain at least one change.
  5. change MUST contain @when.
  6. change MUST contain @status. Possible values of the attribute are:
    • private-draft
    • public-draft (alias: draft)
    • out-for-review
    • peer-reviewed (alias: published)
  7. change MUST contain @n.
  8. change MUST contain either @corresp pointing to a description of the change or a p describing the change.


Example 1

<revisionDesc status="draft">
    <change when="2015-11-11" status="draft" n="0.0.0">
      <p>Created file for the first time.</p>

Example 2

<revisionDesc status="draft">
    <change when="2015-12-24" status="draft" n="0.1.0" corresp="versionlog.xml#v0.1.0" />
    <change when="2015-11-11" status="draft" n="0.0.0">
      <p>Created file for the first time</p>



text is the main wrapper of the edition and sibling to the teiHeader.


  1. text SHOULD take an @type attribute the value of which is “diplomatic”.
    • The possible values for text@type are:
    • critical
    • diplomatic
    • translation
  2. text SHOULD take an @xml:lang attribute indicating the dominant language of the edition, usually la for “latin”.



front is used to make prefatory declarations about the text. For now that only includes the starting location of the text in the witness.


  1. front MUST take a div with the xml:id="starts-on".
    • The content of this div should only be pb, cb, and lb elements indicating the page, column, and line on which the text begins in the different witnesses. For the encoding of pb, cb and lb see the relevant section below.


  <div xml:id="starts-on">
    <pb ed="#V" n="5-r"/><cb ed="#V" n="b"/><lb ed="#V" n="13"/> <!-- V5rb -->



body is the primary wrapper of the edited text.


  1. body MUST immediately follow front.
  2. body MUST take a div as an immediate child.



div is the fundamental section unit of an edition.


  1. There MUST be one div in each edition as a direct child of body.
  2. div MAY only contain head and p as children.
  3. div MAY NOT contain any text nodes as direct children.

head is the wrapper heading declaration for a div.


  1. head MUST be an immediate child of a div.
  2. head MUST precede p elements in parent div.
  3. head MAY take an @type attribute.
    • @type values include:
    • subtitle
    • question-title



p (along with head) is the wrapper of all text nodes within the body element.


  1. All text nodes of the edition, other than those that are descendants of the head element, MUST be descendants of a p element.
  2. p MUST be an immediate child of a div.

Editorial Emendations



If it is not a priority to encode every abbreviation and expansion, the editor might want to indicate several possible expansions in cases of doubt.

See the examples below for the relation between ex and expan. Generally ex only gives the content that is added by the editor while expan gives the whole word, including the characters that constitute the abbreviation.


  1. expan MUST include an abbr and at least one ex as children.
  2. abbr not contained within a expan MUST be wrapped in a choice element.
  3. If more than one ex is present, they MUST be wrapped in a choice element.
  4. If more than one expan is present, they MUST be wrapped in a choice element.

In the examples below, option 2 is preferred in cases dealing with characters glyphs that stand for an entire word.


Option 1

    <ex cert="high">ustinus</ex>
    <ex cert="low">usta</ex>

Option 2

    <expan cert="high">Augustinus</expan>
    <expan cert="low">Augusta</expan>



Corrections mark places where an erroneous word has been marked as present in the text alongside its corrected form.


  1. The form to be corrected MUST first be wrapped in a choice element.
  2. The form to be corrected MUST be wrapped in a sic element which is a child of choice.
  3. The correct form MUST be wrapped in a corr element following the sic element and a child of the choice element.





Normalizations mark places where an original orthographic form has been preserved alongside its normalized form.


  1. The form to be normalized MUST first be wrapped in a choice element.
  2. The form to be normalized MUST be wrapped in a orig element which is a child of choice.
  3. The correct form MUST be wrapped in a reg element following the orig element and a child of the choice element.



Unclear and Illegible Readings


The situation where the editor has difficulties reading the text might be caused by a physical damage to the manuscript or by the editor’s inability to interpret the text although it is perfectly visible on the page. The difference between those two situations is indicated with the @reason tag added to the unclear element.

If the editor has a suggestion for a reading, the unclear element is used, otherwise the gap is used.


  1. unclear and gap MAY contain @reason to indicate the reason for the difficult reading. The possible values are:
    • difficult (default, assumed when nothing is stated)
    • damage (referring to a physical damage of the manuscript)
    • reproduction (referring to the quality of the reproduction)
  2. Two or more unclear elements MAY be wrapped in a choice element to indicate any number of possible but mutually exclusive suggestions.
  3. In the case of several suggestions, unclear SHOULD contain @cert to indicate the relative certainty of the suggestions.
    • Available values are
    • high
    • low
    • medium
    • unknown
  4. In the case of several suggestions, the editor SHOULD put the suggestion that she deems most likely at the top of the list.
  5. gap MUST contain @quantity and @unit indicating the extent of the gap.
  6. unclear MAY contain note for discussing the difficulty.
  7. choice MAY contain note for discussing the different possible suggestions.


A simple case where the editor has a suggestion:


A simple case where the editor has no suggestion:

<gap extent="5" unit="characters"/>

In both of the above examples, the @reason is assumed to be difficult. If the problem is caused by a physical damage, it should be indicated like so:

<unclear reason="damage">suggestion</unclear>


<gap reason="damage" extent="5" unit="characters"/>

A case where multiple possibilities are noted could appear as follows. The @reason is assumed to hold for all sibling nodes as the difficulty has the same cause.

  <unclear cert="high" reason="damage">scilicet</unclear>
  <unclear cert="medium">sicud</unclear>
  <unclear cert="low">sed</unclear>

A case where multiple possibilities and the note element is used:

  <unclear cert="high" reason="damage">scilicet
     <note>This is the best choice if what looks like a descender is a stray ink mark</note>
  <unclear cert="low">sicud</unclear>
  <note>I prefer the second because ...</note>

A case where the editor has no suggestion for a difficult reading.

<gap reason="damage" quantity="5" unit="word"/>


<gap reason="difficult" quantity="5" unit="word"/>

Scribal Corrections



add indicates a place where a word or phrase has been inserted, typically inter-linearly or in the margin.


  1. add MUST have an @place attribute.


<add place="above-line" hand="#N1">fides</add>



del indicates a place where a word or phrase has been deleted.


  1. del MUST have an @rend attribute.
    • Possible values of @rend:
    • erasure
    • expunctuation
    • underline
    • strikethrough
    • blackout
    • vacat
    • Combinations are possible, e.g. rend="strikethrough vacat"


<del rend="erasure" hand="#N1">fides</del>



subst indicates a place where a word has been deleted and another word has been added as a replacement


  1. subst MUST contain an add and del element as children.
  2. add and del elements MUST follow above outlined rules.


<subst hand="#N1">
  <del rend="strikethrough">fides</del>
  <add place="margin-right">spes</add>
  <del rend="strikethrough" hand="#N1">fides</del>
  <add place="margin-right" hand="#N2">spes</add>



seg@type="correction" is used to wrap a word that is being corrected through an addition, deletion, or substitution of only part of the word.


  1. seg@type="correction" MUST must contain a add, del, or subst as a child element.
  2. seg@type="correction" MUST also contain text nodes as direct children (otherwise seg is unnecessary and add, del, or subst alone are sufficient).
  3. add, del, and subst MUST follow above outlined rules.


<seg type="correction">

References and Quotations

References and quotations are marked with ref and quote elements.



ref is used when the author makes an internal or external reference. The whole reference to the target may contain several elements, normally title and name.


  1. ref MAY contain name to indicate the author of the referenced work.
  2. ref MAY contain title to indicate the title of the referenced work.


Ut dicit <ref><name>Augustinus</name> in <title>De civitate dei</title></ref>



quote is used when the author makes a direct quote from another text (or a different passage of his/her own text).


  1. quote element MUST surround the quoted text.


Simple indication of a quote:

Librum sic incipitur <quote>In principio Deus creavit caelum</quote> et cetera

Recommended indication with xml:id:

Librum sic incipitur
<quote xml:id="mockid-1">In principio Deus creavit caelum</quote>
et cetera

Use of the @ana attribute:

Librum sic incipitur
<quote ana="#gen1_1" xml:id="mockid-1">
  In principio Deus creavit caelum
et cetera




pc is reserved for the use of marking punctuation characters within the text.


  1. pc MAY take a @type attribute indicating the type of punctuation that corresponds to the punctuation character inserted as a child text node.
    • Possible values of the @type attribute are:
    • pilcrow
    • punctus
    • punctus-elevatus
    • punctus-medius
    • punctus-interrogativus
    • virgula

For now, we recommend a small subset of the many possible punctuation marks are included by the unicode glyph. Any unicode code point can be encoded, but not all media will be able to represent the adequately, so here we include some that are in a standard font set.

Names, code points and renderings of the punctuation marks:

Name Code point Rend Note
pilcrow U+00B6  
punctus U+002E . regular full stop
punctus elevatus U+003B ; regular semi colon
punctus medius U+00B7 · middle dot
virgula U+002F / solidus, regular slash
punctus interrogativus U+003F ? regular question mark

Aficionados for medieval font encoding will find glyphs and font suggestions at


<pc type="pilcrow"></pc>
<pc type="virgula">/</pc>
<pc type="punctus">.</pc>
<pc type="punctus-elevatus">;</pc>
<pc type="punctus-interrogativus">?</pc>
<pc type="punctus-medius">·</pc>

Alternative examples that do not write the glyphs explicitly but only encode their presence:

<pc type="pilcrow"/>
<pc type="virgula"/>
<pc type="punctus"/>
<pc type="punctus-elevatus"/>
<pc type="punctus-interrogativus"/>
<pc type="punctus-medius"/>




lb is a milestone element used to mark line breaks in a material witness to the edition in question. lb elements are used to indicate the start of a new line.


  1. @ed MUST indicate the source text in which the line break occurs.
  2. @n MAY be used to indicate the line number.


<lb n="1"/> line content word<lb n="2" break="no">break
new line content
<lb n="3"> new line content
<lb n="4"> new line content
<lb n="5"> new line content



cb is a milestone element used to mark column breaks in a material witness to the edition in question. cb elements are used to indicate the start of a new column.


  1. @ed MUST indicate the source text in which the column break occurs.
  2. @n MUST be used indicate the start of the column in question, e.g. “a” or “b”.


<cb ed="#W" n="a"/>



pb is a milestone element used to mark page breaks in a material witness to the edition in question. pb elements are used to indicate the start of a new page.


  1. @ed MUST indicate the source text in which the page break occurs.
  2. @n MUST indicate the page or folio number (determined by @type). In the case of type="folio", the side of the folio is delimited by a -.
    • @type MAY explicitly indicate the type of numbering as either paginated (“page”) or foliated (“folio”). If none is given, @type="folio" is assumed.
    • If an - is used in the value of @n, folio is assumed.
    • If no - appears in the value of @n, type page is assumed.


Page break in folio format

<pb ed="#W" n="15-v"/>

Page break in paged format

<pb ed="#W" n="15" type="page" />



Marginalia in a material witness are encoded using the element note@type='marginal-note'


  1. note MUST have an @type='marginal-note'.
  2. note MUST have an @place attribute.
  3. note MAY have contain lb elements to indicate the line breaks of the marginal note.
    • Note that a processor should ignore all //note//lb when attempting to count the lines in a main column.


Example where marginal note is simply in the vicinity of a paragraph or line.

  <lb ed="#A"/>
  <note type="marginal-note" place="margin-right" hand="#N1">
    <lb ed="#A"/>this marginal note
    <lb ed="#A"/>is in the right margin
    <lb ed="#A"/>and spans three lines in the margin
  The main text is here and
  <lb ed="#A"/>there is a marginal note
  <lb ed="#A"/>in the margin near
  <lb ed="#A"/>this line. And now the text continues.

Example where a marginal note is made about a word or phrase in the text, such as in a gloss.

  <lb ed="#A"/>The word
    <note type="marginal-note" place="margin-right "hand="#N1">
      <lb ed="#A"/>this is a gloss on the
      <lb ed="#A"/>word fides that spans
      <lb ed="#A"/>three lines
  this is still part of the first line
  <lb ed="#A"/>more lines continue
  <lb ed="#A"/>in the margin near
  <lb ed="#A"/>this line. And now the text continues.

Example where a marginal note is best seen as a note about a quotation in the text.

  <lb ed="#A"/>Augustine says
  <quote>the commonwealth is united by a common love
    <note type="marginal-note" place="margin-right" hand="#N1">
      <lb ed="#A"/><ref>Augustine, City of God</ref>
  this is still part of the first line of the main text,
  <lb ed="#A"/> and this is then a new line in the main text